Bibles are located in a rack of the pew in front of you for your use. We normally have three separate Bible readings during the service. Page locations are found in the Sunday bulletin, and they are also announced before each reading. You can choose to follow along or just listen to God's word.
We use the Lutheran Service Book in our services which are also located in a rack of the pew in front of you. The hymnal contains five distinct service forms which are identified by page number in the Sunday bulletin and announced before each service. While it is relatively easy to follow, if you need help, just ask the person sitting near you. On occasion an entire special service may be printed in the Sunday bulletin.
The Lutheran Service Book also contains the hymns we will sing during the service. They are printed in the bulletin and can be found on the hymnal boards in the church. They are numbered and correspond to the numbered pages in the Lutheran Service Book.
Upon entering the sanctuary, you will find a Sunday bulletin on the table located against the wall on the right which will have most of the information you will need. Feel free to ask any of our members if you have a question.